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    Click on the PDF icon below to open up the "Discipleship Training" file.  This file was originally written for a church Bible Study and then a church website, and was used for my world-wide ministry of offering a "do-it-yourself" type of discipleship program.  Rather than re-writing these 42 pages, for now I have just copied it below and have lined out the church website URL's.   In one place I have written in the new URL.   I also had to draw in some text on the "Trinity" diagram, because it had been accidentally placed over some text.

   The file is written in a format of questions with underlined answers written below.  It can be used by an individual, as well as groups to be used for one's own discipleship, as well as discipling others, and sharing it with others around the world.

This page was create June 1, 2020

            EMAILS TO


            FOR CHRIST

    This page is not just for those wanting to disciple or be discipled, but for those that want a World-Wide Ministry of sharing Christ, this page and material with people around the world!!!  


                                                     How to Contact People Around the World

1.  Using search engines such as Google and Bing, type in a phrase like "Baptist Churches in Mobile, Alabama."

2.  Click on each church, go to their webpages and then click either on the Facebook icon or "contact", or both.

3.  Using one of the three blocks below, cut and paste it on their Facebook page, or send it to them as an email.     


     The following three blocks are texts for emails and Facebook posts that can be sent out to promote the DTM on this site.  The first is a short version for Facebook and other pages that limit one to how large a message they can send.


    This is an offer to access "Discipleship Training Material" (DTM) for free.  Benefit by it yourself, disciple others, pass it on to others.   Go to  
   What an easy way to be a fisher, just in sending out this URL.  Those that have received this message by e-mail can simply use "forward" to pass it on to others. Oh, how people and the world could greatly benefit if it was accessed, passed on, and used regularly.  It is easy, costs no money, takes little time, and can be so rewarding now and in eternity.  See the longer version of this email on the DTM PDF file on the website.  May eternal blessing and rewards be yours!  


      Next is a longer message, but without any URL, which some sites don't allow in their incoming messages.


                                                          Discipleship Training Material

    We are offering access to exciting, new "Discipleship Training Material" (DTM) for free, no strings attached, for your benefit, the benefit of others, and to the glory of God. DTM offers the opportunity to benefit by it yourself, use it to help disciple others, and/or pass it on to others to use in helping others grow in Christ. You can even edit it to your own liking if you wish.  
   Seeing your page doesn't allow messages with URL's, if you want to visit the DTM page, email me at and I will email it to you.
  We don't have to memorize that URL, but can easily access it by putting it in our "Bookmarks" or "Favorites".  DTM is a great tool that the Lord will use to minister to the person that just wants to go through it on their own. An even greater ministry will be when it is used one-on-one by one person discipling another. It can be printed out for use in group studies large or small, or even used all on-line together in the same room or spread out in different parts of the world. The DTM could even be copied on to a PowerPoint program and used in church sanctuaries, conferences, or with any other large audience. Those that would want to put it on YouTube (or on other video media or ways of communication) are free to do so as well.

    Many in the world may have access to the Internet, yet haven't found a good way to be discipled there for free. People without a church, personal pastoral leadership, or any Christians to guide them can now benefit from this DTM. It can be used by husbands and wives, parents and children, as well as other people that want to grow in their relationship with one another while growing in the Lord together. Those that are lonely can use it to grow in their fellowship with the Lord. There are many various groups of people in our world that can benefit by growing to know the Lord through the use of this "help", as well as becoming better equipped to serve Him.

    DTM is being given to you freely, as well as to many others around the world that want to help fulfill Christ's Great Commission in Mt 28:19, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations (make disciples)." Pastors (and their people) that want to see their churches grow in number and in spiritual growth, who want to see their people discipled and maturing in Christ, will want to take advantage of this free and effective resource. Those in hospital ministries, prison ministries, rehab centers, and a vast field of other areas where groups of people can be reached, can find ways to use this material in these places.

New Christians that want to grow in their faith, as well as longtime Christians that haven't grown as they would have liked and now want to take control of their growth will be able to do so by taking advantage of this opportunity. Christians that want to be of service to the Lord can now use this material to help others grow, or they can pass the URL on to others that may want to help others grow. With smart-phones and the occasions where we have time on our hands, there is easy access to this material to better use this time by reading over and over this material at these times.

    Churches, their various ministries, Christian Education organizations, Missionaries, Bible study group leaders, “Sunday School” teachers, Christian parents, people on Christian and other social media websites can share this URL. Organizations and individuals with their own websites can set up a link to access the DMT URL. Whatever means of communication tools we have access to should be used to pass this free material on. Whether that be with snail-mail, e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and all the other options at our disposal. Even those who don't use these forms of communication can pass it on to those that do.

    Use your search engines to locate appropriate people that you can share it with on line. For example: search for churches in Austin, Texas. Find their website and an e- mail address. Put that address in your "To" box on your e-mail, and then cut and paste this page your reading here in your "Message" box, and hit send. E-mail addresses abound on-line that you can send this URL to. This in itself is its own ministry. Proverbs 11:30 says "...and he that winneth souls is wise." A wise thing to do is pass this URL on to others, so that Christians will mature and work to win more souls and edify the body of Christ; as God has called us to do in Eph 4:12. It would take less time to send this URL on to someone else than it takes to read this message. It can be sent out to others not only once, but as many times as we need to, as we find new people to send it to. Just like in Mk 4:14 some will be like the sower who sent out the Word, some will plant it, others water it, and others harvest it. Can you join with Paul, Apollos, and the Lord (as recorded in 1Co 3:6 "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.") and pass this on to others? Jesus said "Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men." What an easy way to be such a fisher, just in sending out this URL. You might think of the letters “U" "R" "L” as an acronym that stand for "Unlimited, Religious, Liberty”, or you could make up your own acronym to motivate yourself to be an active part in sharing this ministry. Surely the Lord will be giving people many other ways in which this link can be used for His glory.
   Those that have received this message by e-mail can simply use "forward" to pass it on to others. Oh, how people and the world could greatly benefit if it was accessed, passed on, and used regularly. Christ has given us the command to take the gospel to the outer most parts of the world and make disciples. If we truly want to contribute more to His Great Commission, let us take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and send this tool to others. It is easy, costs no money, takes little time, and can be so rewarding now and in eternity.

May eternal blessing and rewards be yours!


    Finally is the message we would want to send if possible, because it both includes the URL as well as several ideas and possible opportunities that people can take advantage of.


                                                                     Discipleship Training Material

    We are offering access to exciting, new "Discipleship Training Material" (DTM) for free, no strings attached, for your benefit, the benefit of others, and to the glory of God. DTM offers the opportunity to benefit by it yourself, use it to help disciple others, and/or pass it on to others to use in helping others grow in Christ. You can even edit it to your own liking if you wish. It can be freely accessed by using the following URL.   We don't have to memorize this, but can easily access it by putting it in our "Bookmarks" or "Favorites". DTM is a great tool that the Lord will use to minister to the person that just wants to go through it on their own. An even greater ministry will be when it is used one-on-one by one person discipling another. It can be printed out for use in group studies large or small, or even used all on-line together in the same room or spread out in different parts of the world. The DTM could even be copied on to a PowerPoint program and used in church sanctuaries, conferences, or with any other large audience. Those that would want to put it on YouTube (or on other video media or ways of communication) are free to do so as well.

    Many in the world may have access to the Internet, yet haven't found a good way to be discipled there for free. People without a church, personal pastoral leadership, or any Christians to guide them can now benefit from this DTM. It can be used by husbands and wives, parents and children, as well as other people that want to grow in their relationship with one another while growing in the Lord together. Those that are lonely can use it to grow in their fellowship with the Lord. There are many various groups of people in our world that can benefit by growing to know the Lord through the use of this "help", as well as becoming better equipped to serve Him.

    DTM is being given to you freely, as well as to many others around the world that want to help fulfill Christ's Great Commission in Mt 28:19, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations (make disciples)." Pastors (and their people) that want to see their churches grow in number and in spiritual growth, who want to see their people discipled and maturing in Christ, will want to take advantage of this free and effective resource. Those in hospital ministries, prison ministries, rehab centers, and a vast field of other areas where groups of people can be reached, can find ways to use this material in these places.

    New Christians that want to grow in their faith, as well as longtime Christians that haven't grown as they would have liked and now want to take control of their growth will be able to do so by taking advantage of this opportunity. Christians that want to be of service to the Lord can now use this material to help others grow, or they can pass the URL on to others that may want to help others grow. With smart-phones and the occasions where we have time on our hands, there is easy access to this material to better use this time by reading over and over this material at these times.

    Churches, their various ministries, Christian Education organizations, Missionaries, Bible study group leaders, “Sunday School” teachers, Christian parents, people on Christian and other social media websites can share this URL. Organizations and individuals with their own websites can set up a link to access the DMT URL. Whatever means of communication tools we have access to should be used to pass this free material on. Whether that be with snail-mail, e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and all the other options at our disposal. Even those who don't use these forms of communication can pass it on to those that do.

    Use your search engines to locate appropriate people that you can share it with on line. For example: search for churches in Austin, Texas. Find their website and an e- mail address. Put that address in your "To" box on your e-mail, and then cut and paste this page your reading here in your "Message" box, and hit send. E-mail addresses abound on-line that you can send this URL to. This in itself is its own ministry. Proverbs 11:30 says "...and he that winneth souls is wise." A wise thing to do is pass this URL on to others, so that Christians will mature and work to win more souls and edify the body of Christ; as God has called us to do in Eph 4:12. It would take less time to send this URL on to someone else than it takes to read this message. It can be sent out to others not only once, but as many times as we need to, as we find new people to send it to. Just like in Mk 4:14 some will be like the sower who sent out the Word, some will plant it, others water it, and others harvest it. Can you join with Paul, Apollos, and the Lord (as recorded in 1Co 3:6 "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.") and pass this on to others? Jesus said "Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men." What an easy way to be such a fisher, just in sending out this URL. You might think of the letters “U" "R" "L” as an acronym that stand for "Unlimited, Religious, Liberty”, or you could make up your own acronym to motivate yourself to be an active part in sharing this ministry. Surely the Lord will be giving people many other ways in which this link can be used for His glory.

    Those that have received this message by e-mail can simply use "forward" to pass it on to others. Oh, how people and the world could greatly benefit if it was accessed, passed on, and used regularly. Christ has given us the command to take the gospel to the outer most parts of the world and make disciples. If we truly want to contribute more to His Great Commission, let us take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and send this tool to others. It is easy, costs no money, takes little time, and can be so rewarding now and in eternity.

May eternal blessing and rewards be yours!


12 videos showing how to do this WORLD-WIDE DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING MINISTRY.

Click on the right hand column (description of video) to open it.  

After viewing the video, click on your return arrow  ( <-- ) to return to this page.


First video with link          2:17 Min         1 intro video    

Second                               2:56 Min         2 intro vid

Third                                  4:45 Min         3 Record file

Fourth                                2:36 Min         4 email file

Fifth                                   1:13 Min         5 email file 2

Sixth                                  5:29 Min        6 Setting up to send first emails

Seventh                             1:27 Min         7 Email to Kauai

Eighth                               1:25 Min          8 Email to Kentucky

Ninth                                 2:15 Min         9 Multi emails sent

Tenth                                 1:47 Min         9a Big staff

Eleventh                            1:15 Min         9b 5 quick emails

Twelfth                              1:11 Min         9c closing words




©2020  Proudly created with

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